Saturday, January 23, 2010

Baby Boy Update-32 weeks down, 7 to go!

The big news is we set the date for the c-section.  March 10th will be this little guy's birthday, unless he decides he wants to be early.  There is lots to do, but the Costa household is pretty excited.  I'm not sure how much longer Kate can wait!

How far along? 32 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: gaining a steady one to two pounds every two weeks (this is following the same pattern as Kate)
Maternity clothes? yes
Stretch marks? not from this baby
Sleep? Not great, but so thankful for my body pillow.  Jeff gets less and less room in the bed every week.
Best moment this week: Setting the date for the c-section.
Movement: Yes-lots and lots
Food cravings: None this week-just recovered from a pretty nasty stomach virus.  The IV of fluid the doctor pumped into me on Thursday was pretty good!
Gender: boy
Name: We've almost reached a decision-Kate has accepted that it will not be Wyatt.
Belly button in or out? almost flat
What I miss: being able to easily bend over and walking up the stairs without getting out of breath
Weekly wisdom: Maternity massages are awesome!
Milestones: Started getting the nursery set up.  Jeff and I also went on a nice weekend getaway and had a wonderfully relaxing time.
What Kate is saying this week: Mommy, your belly is huge!  (Thanks sweetheart!)


Anonymous said...

Hi Maria, I am writing from Guatemala and I am happy to know that you and the baby are doing better. I love you and hope to see you soon after I get back. Give my love to Kate and Jeff.


Lesli said...

That's Caleb's birthday!!! What a great day! I love March babies:) Check out my blog