Friday, August 08, 2008

Happy Half Birthday Kate!

Kate turned a year and a half yesterday-18 months. I can't believe what a little girl she has become, no more baby here. Her language skills are amazing and she imitates EVERYTHING that I do. It can be a little embarrassing-it makes me reexamine myself everyday. We went to the doctor today for a check up. She was such a brave girl, very little crying. She is, as I write this, asleep on the floor of our bonus room-that one vaccination the doctor gave her has really knocked her out. The nurse started a sentence with, "at her 2 year appointment", and I thought-she's going to be 2! That made me really sad.

For those of you keeping up:

Kate weighs 21 lbs, 6 oz and is 31 inches long
10th percentile for weight, 25th for length, and 50th for head circumference
In other words, a petite girl with a big head!

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