Sunday, September 26, 2010

Finally, A New Update

Yes, the last month of summer vacation came and went without a single blog sorry I failed to update anything in August.  Three reasons, well maybe four, we were very busy with Jeff and Aunt Gina's birthday palooza, getting ready for Aunt Heather and Uncle Kyle's fabulous wedding, and then getting prepared to return to work and school.  I also have finally been convinced, by my friends, to give facebook a try and now update that anytime I can steal Jeff's convenient for facebook, not so much for blogging.  So now that the farmer's market corn on the cob is no longer in season,
and sleeping in late whenever we feel like it is not an option,
and having slumber parties in our brother's room any night of the week isn't happening,
and staying in our pajamas to play with our dolls, ponies, dinosaurs, and dogs all day rarely is possible,
and going to the movies in the middle of the afternoon (we took Kate to see Toy Story 3-her first movie theater experience) can only occur on the weekends,
and we've adjusted to our new schedules...
we finally have some updates on what the Costa Family has been up to!

Matthew at Six Months

Matthew turned six months on the 10th.  I love this age, babies are a joy at any age, but six month olds are so joyful I can hardly stand it.  Matthew is a smiling, content, but active little boy.  He is reaching for everything, rolls over both ways, loves to look at himself in the mirror (see below), and can sit up without support - he sometimes loses his balance when he reaches for toys.   Changing his diaper and clothes is becoming a challenge.  His changing table is becoming the site of wrestle mania in our house.  He eats a full array of babyfood and loves those gerber puffs.  We are trying to teach him how to sign "more" when he wants more of something.   His current signal is to grunt or growl (not a habit that we want to encourage)!  Kate did very well learning to sign basic words like more, all done, and thank you before she could say them.  I just can't remember when we started teaching her to use sign language, so we will see how it goes with Matthew. 
At his six month check up he weighed 23lbs 14oz (over 97%) and  was 27 inches long (85th %), so his length is finally catching up to his weight.   His umbilical hernia is also completely healed, so we are thankful for that.  The doctor said, "great news...he is perfect!"   We agree.  Matthew is currently getting his first tooth (thank goodness for Motrin)!  Hopefully we will have a toothy grin to show off soon.

Miss Kate

Our little girl is going to preschool and she loves it.  Seriously, if I pick her up too early, like before they have their afternoon snack or before share time on Friday afternoons, she starts crying.  She is making friends, and we think she has her first crush!  His name is Thomas and we hear about him ALL the time.  I'm in a bit of a panic about it, but Jeff is handling it in a pretty calm manner.  It makes us so proud when her teachers tell us what a great listener she is and how much they enjoy having her in class.
Two other things Kate loves to do is help me in the kitchen and love on Matthew.  Above is a picture of our Labor Day project, Dora cupcakes.  They came out pretty well.  Kate loves to help cook and even helps set the table for dinner and, carefully, helps to clear the table after dinner. 
Kate is an adoring big sister.  She loves Matthew so much and Matthew loves her just as much.  He watches everything she does and is so happy when she talks and plays with him.  Kate loves to feed him, sneak him extra puffs to eat, and help me put him to bed.  Luckily, all three of us can fit into the rocking chair in Matthew's nursery and it is the best part of my day to read stories to both of them and sing songs to Matthew.  I could watch them interact all day, although I do say "be gentle" and "he's just a baby" at least 20 times a day!  Can you tell Jeff and I are proud of her?

A New Cousin!

Kate and Matthew have a new cousin! Nicholas James Costa was born on August 18th. He is so precious and we are looking forward to meeting him soon.

Heather and Kyle's Wedding

We had a wonderful few days in Wilmington, NC celebrating my youngest sister's wedding!  My sister Jennifer and I were the matrons of honor and our girls Kate and Scarlett were the flower girls.  Talk about stress!  However, once we all arrived in Wilmington everything was fun, exciting, and wonderful.  Kate and Scarlett did great, both of them made it down the aisle and dropped their rose petals and then stood with Jennifer and I as Aunt Heather made her way down the aisle.  Everyone looked beautiful and Jeff was a great help the whole weekend.
Jennifer and I started the weekend off by hosting a bridal tea on the river walk for Heather and her bridal party.  The food was great and helped get everyone in the mood for a fabulous wedding weekend.
The rehearsal dinner was fun.  My cousin from Guatemala, Alejandro, came to visit for a few weeks.  It was wonderful to have him with us.  Here he is with Kate and Mom.
Our new brother, Kyle!
Getting ready for the big day.
Ready to Go!
We love Aunt Heather!
My Handsome Guys!
My Sweet Boy
More Cuteness!

Birthday Palooza!

The last week of July was all about celebrating Jeff and Aunt Gina's birthday.  Their birthday's are five days apart and it has become a tradition since we moved to Raleigh to spend the entire week celebrating these two fabulous people.  It was a carefree week full of fun, laughter, and love.
 We spent lots of time relaxing by and in the pool.
 Jeff's birthday included a water balloon fight.  Not sure who enjoyed that more, Jeff, Kate, or Aunt Gina.  
And of course, most of the week was all about the food-lots and lots of seafood was consumed, shipped in from all over the country.  I think I gained half my baby weight back in one week, but it was good!
Jeff's mom found a bakery that makes a tiramisu cake (one of Jeff's favorite deserts).  It was delicious.  Jeff most certainly enjoyed it.
Gina was the birthday princess for her birthday complete with a pinata, bubbles, and ice cream-cookie sandwiches.
Happy Birthday Jeff and Aunt Gina!