Monday, May 10, 2010

Matthew and his Giraffe

Matthew is two months old today and he has already changed so much.  We don't go to the doctor until Friday so I don't have a weight and height update, but I can tell you he is wearing 6 month size clothing already.  He is starting to smile more and more, especially when he sees this giraffe or a ceiling fan.  He loves the fan in our family room.  He smiles and talks to it.  I think he is asking it to be his friend and gets his feelings hurt when it doesn't respond back- it is so cute and innocent.  He is saying agoo and ohh and is noticing the world around him.  He also likes being outside and looking at the trees and plants.  He has just started sleeping for a four to five hour stretch at night, which the experts say is sleeping through the night, but when he is waking up at 2 in the morning it is not sleeping through the night in my book! Happy Two Month Birthday to our sweet boy.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love Him! Happy bday Matthew!
-Aunt Jennifer and "the" cousin Scarlett