Kate and Matthew dancing. Kate is rocking pink umbro shorts Daddy bought for her on his last soccer trip.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Kate and Nana are off to see the play Cinderella. Kate really enjoyed getting ready for the "grand ball" and wearing a "bEAUtiful" dress. She loved to play too!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Daddy's Soccer Game
There was a time, not so long ago, when I would attend all of Jeff's soccer games come rain or shine, sweltering weather or freezing temperatures, home matches or those that were hours away. It didn't matter how stressful the day had been or what was going on the next day, I was always there. It was great. I loved supporting him and enjoyed getting to know his players and their families. However, when Kate came along, I became a little less inclined to go to every game. Now, the weather has to be good, the start time not too late, and the day not too hectic, but when we go we have lots of fun. Although I miss being as involved in the soccer aspect of Jeff's life right now, I wouldn't change it for anything. When we do get a chance to go to a game, seeing Kate (and eventually Matthew) running around, not so patiently waiting until they can run across the field to Dad, is the best. So we made it to our first game of the spring season this past Friday and had a great time. Kate ate her Chick-fil-a dinner, cheered for the team, and played soccer; Matthew had a bottle and slept; and I monitored the kids more than I watched the game, but at least we were there! Here are a few pics...

This is what Matthew did most of the game.
On the field with Daddy after the game.

Setting up to score a goal!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
A Day at the Park
We had a picnic at a local park last weekend. We had beautiful weather and Jeff had a rare spring weekend with no soccer-so we took advantage. I was proud of Kate because she walked around almost the whole lake (there are a couple of nice walking trails around the lake). She didn't get tired until the last curve so at that point we put Matthew in the bjorn with Jeff and I held the infant carrier so Kate could sit in the stroller. Needless to say, we need to get a double stroller soon-that infant carrier was heavy! We had fun exploring the walking trails, feedng ourselves and the ducks, chasing butteflies, and playing soccer.
Feeding the geese and ducks!
Picnic time, KFC style
Chasing a butterfly-what joy that brings!
Matthew is somewhere under that hat.
Matthew's 1 Month Birthday
Matthew turned a month old on April 10th. Kate was more than happy to blow out a candle and eat a cupcake in his honor. At Matthew's 1 month doctor's visit he weighed 11 pounds 7 ounces-a four and a half pound increase over his birth weight! That's in the 80th percentile while at 21 inches he is in the 25th percentile for length-wonder which parent he is taking after?!? He is a pretty solid boy.
Things we know about Matthew:
1. He likes to eat.
2. He pays close attention to his big sister.
3. He knows when Mommy has left the room-he doesn't really appreciate it.
4. He likes to sleep on Daddy's chest and not so much in his own crib.
5. He is no drama queen, but he is a grunter. He is usually a good baby, but makes some funny noises.
6. He doens't like his swing too much yet, but is very content in his bouncy seat, on the floor, or his car seat.
7. Changing his diaper is much more challenging than it was with Kate-you have to be quick.
8. We love him and life is good!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Happy Easter!
We had a wonderful Easter spending quality time with family and watching the NCAA Final Four games. We had a lot at stake in the games this year, with Uncle David coaching soccer at Butler University and Jeff being a long-time Duke fan. For my part, I chose Butler as my team for the tournament as my beloved tarheels suffered through a terrible season and failed to make it. I think I chose well, but I did not take sides in the final game. Folks, I have seriously grown as a person if I didn't fiercely cheer against Duke for the sake of my husband! Okay, back to the important part of this post-
Here is Kate enjoying the bunny cake Nana made by getting an early taste!
Nothing better than cake and ice cream!
Enjoying our first dip into Papa Tom and Nana's pool this spring.
Great Aunt Gina was visiting and here she is bonding with her "little man".
Easter Egg Hunt at Grandma and Grandaddy's House!
Can I eat this one, Mommy?
My Guys
Thanks for a wonderful afternoon!
Kate's Date with Daddy
While Jeff was on paternity leave, he and Kate went on a couple of outings. Here they are leaving for the Natural History Museum to see the dinosaurs-Kate LOVES dinosaurs. They also went to the megalodon shark exhibit (a prehistoric shark, the largest shark thought to exist) and stood in the mouth of a megalodon shark. Kate thought that was pretty cool.
The next day, they went to play "golf" and ride go-karts. It sounded like they had a pretty exhilarating ride around the track and knowing my husband, I'm sure it was. Glad I wasn't there to see it-my protective instincts might have ruined the fun. Kate really enjoyed her days out with Daddy.
Big Sister Kate
Here are a few pictures from Matthew's birthday, mostly of Kate waiting to meet her baby brother. Kate has been doing well adjusting to sharing Mommy and Daddy's attention. She likes to hold Matthew and help give him a bath. She also likes caring for her baby Gail, whom you will see in one of the pictures below, while Mommy is taking care of brother. She says "Mommy had a baby boy in her tummy and I had a baby girl in my tummy." Works out well for everyone.
Here she is eating breakfast with Nana in the waiting room.
Getting ready to go see Mommy.
Kate's first look at her brother.
The happy grandparents
Kate with Uncle David and Aunt Meghan
Holding Matthew any chance she gets
Here she is holding baby Matthew and baby Gail while watching Dora. Looks like a happy crowd.
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