Saturday, April 26, 2008

Here I Am!

We're back-I know you guys have been wondering were we have been. My students have informed me that blogging is, "like so 2 years ago-get a face book account Mrs. Costa!", but I know all of our faithful visitors don't care. You just want to see what Kate's been up to. Well, what we've all been waiting for has happened-drum roll please...Kate has discovered the wonderful world of walking! Kate finally started walking on Tuesday and has not looked back-today she tried to run from her father, who was chasing her around the kitchen. It ended in a fall, but it's the fastest we have seen her go. She's doing great. Check out our first attempt at a video to see for yourself! (If the video stops at 4 seconds, move the cursor forward a little and it will play the rest...I don't know why it stops at 4 seconds)

1 comment:

Vimal and Tabatha Patel said...

Way to go Kate!! I can't believe that she is such a "big" girl now - she is still so petite and precious! we'll have to plan a playdate this summer when you have some time off!