Sunday, December 10, 2006

Thanksgiving and Baby Showers

I'm sorry we haven't updated in a long while! Its been a busy time of travel, baby showers, getting ready for the holidays and good old family time. We headed to the mountains with Jeff's family for Thanksgiving. We stayed in a charming log cabin overlooking Lake Lure. The weather was perfect and the food was even better-with Jeff's Aunt Gina doing all the fabulous cooking. Jeff's brother, David, came in from Indianapolis and it was great to visit with him too. Here are some pictures of our Thanksgiving adventure-baby Costa enjoyed all the food and walking too! Here we are on a walk.
A heated game of scrable!

The last couple of weekends have also been filled with baby showers. One given to us by the ladies at Grace Community Church and another by my mom and sisters. We received lots of great stuff, now it just needs to be organized!

Mom picked out an awesome cake!

Lots of generous and fun gifts!

The Hurtarte/Matthews ladies-notice what is on the TV in the background.

Our friend, Amanda, brought her son Tanner over to my mom's house, he's just so darn cute I had to put his picture on our blog. He will be almost exactly a year older than baby Costa when she is born, so he is the same age that baby Costa will be next time this year-its hard to believe she'll be that big!


Heather said...

Oh my goodness!!! Maria, you look great and so does baby Costa. I've been checking your blog weekly for some pictures. I can't wait to get my hands on your tummy - I know you're going to love that:):)
I'll see you in a couple of weeks!!
love you,

Stephen and Kelly said...

Hi Maria! I was so glad to see the new look great! Can you believe that your baby will be in your arms in just two months!

I've been meaning to call you...I'll try to catch up with you in the next few to you soon!