Sunday, May 10, 2009

Paddle Boats

Daddy was nice enough to paddle his girls around the pond at the park. It was quite the adventure. We saw two snakes (yuck!), four turtles, and many ducks and birds. The snakes were swimming around the dock used to get on the boats. They were almost a deal breaker for me. Although they were pretty big, my biologist father would be so disappointed if I let swimming snakes scare me off, so away we went. Kate sat up front with Jeff and I was in the back making sure Kate stayed seated and keeping a look out for snakes! Yes, I'm a wimp.
One of our wildlife finds:
Thanks for all your hard work Jeff!
I have to thank Dora for setting such a good example for children. Kate had no complaints about wearing a life jacket or staying in her seat because Dora says to stay safe every time she and Boots (the monkey) get on a boat. We had a wonderful adventure!

1 comment:

Jennifer J. said...

I want pictures of your belly!!!